In the family, all four of us have different opinions on the direction society is heading in. My sister has no real idea, my dad thinks it's going to get worse, my mom thinks we are on the brink of a golden new age of humanity's awareness and I think nothing's going to change.
I tried to change the way they think of the direction of the world, but nothing changed.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Four Corners
Jian Eu
10:52 PM
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I have no real idea, but I think it's definitely going to get worse before it gets better, and in the meantime, it will seem like nothing's changing: "What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun." So said the Preacher in Ecclesiates 1:9
But then again, we mustn't forget that history is His Story and we cannot discount Divine Intervention by the One who does all things well in His time and for His glory.
So I guess I agree with each of you in turn, ha ha!
Somewhat like the blind men and the elephant, it all depends on our finite perspective.
(looks like my comment is longer than your provocative post! My other name may be Polonius.)
Actually, I think your dad's got it right.
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