Saturday, July 26, 2008

A Boy (and his cookies)

Lord, may I never become one.

May I never become a boy? I am not a boy? Not a boy but A-Boy, someone whose main objective in life is to score A's whatever examination it might be.

Oh, I could. With me taking the IGCSE what-cher-may-call-it, full days fly by just studying, something quite alien to me.

Tsk. Tsk.

I'll continue much the way I am. The little imp that waltzes about upsetting toes and having a maniacally good time. A little like the joker maybe, just without the menace and violence. None of that for me.

On a less serious note, but more ominious, Ethan's going back to NS again. He's going back with a couple of tubs of chocolate-chip cookies to buy some more friends. For all his innocent lamb-ness he's either very afraid or milking as much affection and sympathy from us.

1 comment:

Sel said...

Jian Eu,your blog died.