I was filled with passion, hope and will to do something. I will change myself, I will learn Bahasa Malaysia, I will learn and write about Islam! I will be a friend to the Malays and help them to see the truth as I believe.
I would change Malaysia. I would change the world.
All that got left behind in Grace Hill Lodge, Bukit Tinggi. What am I but a mere shrimp? What can I possibly do anyway? I'm busy, my schoolwork has piled up, I have lots of things to do.
When I was In Bukit Tinggi, in Young Writers Camp, the world did not touch, all its troubles, all its pain, and so began to hope. Back down home, I was flooded. I had no answer. I gave up.
Then I received Roshan's email. All the promises, the hope for change, came back and I find myself with newfound will to have another shot. I will try again. Why?
As Ethan wrote, "Because I can."
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Roshan Turns Up
Jian Eu
2:54 PM
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STeven Gan of Malaysiakini said:
"If netizens think they can actually fight a war of resistance sitting in front of their computer screens, they are dead wrong.
If we are going to win this fight, we need to crawl out from our little cubby holes, draw a line in the sand and engage the enemy in the real world.
Otherwise, we may as well go and pick bananas."
I suppose this is what it leads to eventually, if we mean to change our world. Otherwise, pick bananas. And I for one acknowledge it with a gulp.
We have to start somewhere, you know...
you can do a whole lot, shrimp. a whole lot. =)
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