Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Make Me Cry, Please

When it comes to sorrow, I would consider myself to be an emotionally aware, yet emotionally unattached, person. I say this because I know I am sad, I am sad, but I rarely cry.

At the end of the movie Sophie Scholl - The Final Days, screened in Uncle David's home, the room was filled with sobbing people. Almost all the adults cried, a few others my age flooded as well. I didn't.

I was sad. I was impressed by her courage to fight against Hitler despite the danger, I was awed by her commitment to the idea of freedom, but I just couldn't cry.

When my grandfather died, everyone was wailing their heads off but, probably because I never knew him, I didn't even shed a tear.

Sniff...this is so tragic.


Owen S said...

The original concept for a darkened cinema came about due to this guy who didn't want his family members and friends to see him crying. True story... not.

Daniel said...

I didn't cry as well, unfortunately.

So let's both see the shrink, for we are not human...


Jian Eu said...

Wanna know who's not human? EEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet (does not say)

David BC Tan said...

on a different note: spelling wrong on vox discipuli

ethan said...


Just for the record, though, I really wanted to cry. I did. Honest. But I didn't.