Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Sad Woman at Giant

Yesterday we went to Giant to buy some Nature's Valley bars for the trip up Kota Kinabalu. At the cashier, a very sad woman was alone behind us in line. She was sad not because she was crying, not that kind of sad, but she was sad in a pitiful sense.

She was around her late thirties and she was dressed in her office clothes. It was 10 pm which meant she must have been working in late. She looked a bit like a gnome and she was very tightly strung. Her shoulders were bunched up and her movements were very jerky, like someone who is angry and about to cry. The worst part was that all she had in her basket were about 10 cans of Campbell's soup.

Holden Caulfield would have been depressed by this and I was too. Here was this woman who looked like she didn't have a partner and wasn't likely to have one. She had been working late, which was normal, and was extremely stressed out and all she would eat for her dinners were Campbell's soup. What type of life is that?

The night before I had dreamed that I was walking around Pusat Sirius. I recognized the place, it was somehow similar to what I remembered but all the rooms were larger, quite like Hogwarts. I was just walking around my old school but I couldn't stop crying. I remember walking through most of the classes, they couldn't see me as if i was invisible, and I recognized many of the people there and through it all there were tears coming out of my eyes and I was helpless to stop it.

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